It takes a special kind of trusting llama to learn to play dead. I have not even attempted to teach it to Harlley because I know he is not submissive enough to let me roll him over. Lacey, on the other hand, is one of the most easy-going llamas I have ever seen and will let me do just about anything. To teach Lacey to play dead I began by getting her to kush and got her used to being touched all over while staying in a kush. I then basically just rolled her onto her side and stayed down with her giving her a lot of encouragement. Once she was pretty accepting of that I began to say “bang” to her while I rolled her over. She very quickly learned what that meant and began rolling onto her side when I said “bang”. We are still at the point where she needs to already be in a kush to play dead, but once the weather clears up I will be working hard with her on playing dead from a standing position. Below is a video of Lacey playing dead.