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Sidestep is a lot easier to teach after your llama already knows how to back up on command because it gets them used to moving off of pressure from you, and going backward is a much more natural movement for them than sideways. To teach your llama to side step hold their lead fairly tight at the head, because their natural reaction is going to be to just swing their butt over rather than actually stepping sideways, and then give them a poke on their hip kind of where their back leg meets their body. If your llama is fairly good at moving off of pressure a light poke will do, and eventually just a hand motion without touching, but if they are not great at it yet you may need to give them more of a push. Make sure to use your clicker once their front legs actually begin to move sideways, the back legs should be fairly easy it is the front that they will find unnatural and difficult. Once they get good at sidestepping in an open area you can start adding objects for them to step along. It is best to start with something short and narrow like a jump pole and then work your way up to bigger objects. Here is Harlley sidestepping off-lead over a pipe. 

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