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Targeting is a great basic skill to teach your llama. It is extremely helpful in the teaching of many fun tricks, such as rearing up. I also use it as a game to play to make sure I have focus before I take my llamas off-lead in a show ring. This is a skill that works a lot better with a clicker trained llama. Start by taking some grain in your hand and showing your llama that it is there. When they go to get the grain quickly close your hand so that they touch your hand rather than the grain. Click once their nose hits your hand, and then open it to give them the grain. Once they get the hang of this you can put your hand out with your fist closed (but still with grain in it) and click and open your hand to reward once your llama touches it. After this move on to putting your hand out with no grain in it and still clicking when they touch it, and then getting the reward out of your pocket. You can then start to move your hand to different positions, such as high up or down near the ground, and even keep your hand moving so they have to move quickly to “catch” and touch it. Just remember to always click the second they do touch your hand. Eventually this skill can be graduated to targeting objects and used to teach tricks. Below is a video of Harlley targeting to my hands.

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